I'm not sure how the Amateur Radio work space was named "The
Shack", but it is a fairly common topic of conversation on the
air. In keeping with the tradition, here is the Internet version of
my shack and the work space used to create these projects.

The Shack.
Printer General usage and to create PCB layout transparencies.
Drawers A some what organized way to store through-hold resistors
and capacitors. For the most part, the parts have been replaced by
surface mount variants.
Station Nothing beats a good quality, temperature controlled
soldering iron A worthwhile investment for anything other than very
simple soldering work.
The venerable HP436 power meter with an HP8481A power sensor
head. The HP436 is early 80s technology, but it still measures an RF
signal to ±1 dB. Thanks to Jim, AC7FN, for locating a HP8481A
sensor head.
Power Supply A laboratory grade 0 - 30VDC, 0 - 3 AMP linear
power supply. Although it is heavy with a transformer, it provide a
good clean DC power source. The current limiting feature is great
for initial power and the classic "smoke test".
Oscilloscope A modern LCD display, DPO (Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope)
with a 300 MHz analog bandwidth and 1.25 GHz sample rate. The most
used piece of test equipment in the shack. If you haven't tried one
of the new digital oscilloscopes, take a look at the newer designs.
They have the same look and feel of a high quality analog scope, with all
the features of the digital world.
& Lomb Microscope Required for any surface mount
work. It is amazing how poor a solder joint can look up close.
Really improves the quality of board work.
Counter Just a basic frequency counter. Useful for
building VHF/UHF transceivers or checking a local oscillator.
Work Space An ESD wrist strap and grounded pad are required
for building and testing on any type of flight or high reliability
853A Spectrum Analyzer The spectrum analyzer makes RF work much
easier when you can see the spectrum of a device.