Payload Computer is a high reliability telemetry, command, and control
module that can be used from mission to mission. It provides a
cross band voice repeater, flight data recorder, APRS (position
reports), and remote command/control. |
The Micro Beacon is a light weight beacon that includes a GPS receiver,
packet radio MODEM, flight recorder, temperature sensor, and a 70cm
transmitter. It provides redundant tracking functions. |
The cut down mechanism is used to release the balloon from the payload
train. The module is triggered with a low power, wireless
transmitter located in the Payload Computer. |
The HF-APRS system is a software defined,
multi-standard position reporting system that utilizes a high performance DDS (Direct
Digital Synthesizer) to generate PSK-31, 300 baud, 1200 baud, and 9600
baud APRS tracking signals. |
S-Band (2400MHz) video transmitter utilizes a common wide-band FM
transmitter, power amplifier, and television camera to generate a high
quality video image. |
Pico Beacon is the world's lightest, most capable APRS based tracking
beacon. |
NSRV Beacon is the controller board from the NSRV (Near Space Return
Vehicle) that has been installed in a different enclosure for use as an
APRS beacon. This allows us to test the NSRV electronics as well
as provides us with a high power (5 watt) beacon for balloon recovery.
This payload was created to support multiple NASA Space Grant flights on
the same day. |
The APRS Beacon is an embedded controller suitable for tracking and locating a balloon based payload using Amateur Radio APRS protocol. |