The Internet has worked its way into almost every aspect of our everyday
lives, including amateur radio and of course high altitude balloon flights.
Starting with ANSR-11, the cross band repeater is linked to the Internet
using IRLP - Internet Radio Linking Project. Shown below, is the
system configuration:

System Block diagram.
The system contains the following:
Cross Band
Repeater - Access from the ground with an uplink frequency of 145.560
MHz and downlink on 445.525 MHz.
Cross Band
Radio - Radio capable of half duplex, cross band operation.
Coupled with a high gain omni antenna and clear location for good quality
9255 - A reflector node is a common connection point that all stations
connect to.
Denver IRLP
node 3563, Olathe IRLP node 5870 - These are two example local IRLP
nodes that have been used to access previous flights.
connected is easy with just a few simple steps:
Program your
radio to local IRLP node. A list of nodes is available from the
IRLP web site or the 2003
ARRL directory.
Transmit on
local IRLP node. Announce, “This is Your Call Sign connecting node
9255”. Remain keyed up and enter 9255 using DTMF keypad.
After a delay,
your local node will key up and you’ll get the message that you are
connected to node 9255.
Transmit as
normal and we will hear you on the balloon link. Key the radio for 2 seconds
before talking to allow all the transmitters and repeaters to
When you are
done, enter 73 using DTMF to disconnect.
We look forward to hearing from you on our next flight.