Gardner Canyon
The MBAA, Mountain Bike Association of Arizona, is holding their fourth race of the 2008 season at Gardner Canyon located in the Santa Rita Mountains near the city of Sonoita, AZ. Because of the remote location, ham radio operations will assist with radio communications for the event.
We will have radio operators on the course and with the medical teams.

Day of Event Informational Sheet - Print this and bring it with you |
Gardner Canyon, Sonoita, Arizona - From Tucson, take I-10 east to Exit 281 (Highway 83, Sonoita). Follow Route 83 approximately 20 miles to Gardner Canyon Road (Forest Road 92) then turn right (west). Follow Gardner Canyon Road (FR 92) for about .07 miles to the first intersection. Turn right on FR 163 following the signs to Kentucky Camp. Stay on FR 163 until you see the venue. Set up will be along FR 163 a short distance from the intersection of FR 4060. If you go past FR 162, you went too far.
The location is remote with no amenities; Forest Service Roads are dirt, but accessible by car. Staging will be along Forest Service Road 163; there is plenty of parking, please park along the road, pulling straight off (perpendicular) and only one car deep.
Event Times
Saturday, March 15, 2008
First race start 8:30 AM local time. Last Race start 12:00 PM. Expected finish 3:00 - 3:30 PM.
Operational Location
The following map shows the location of the ham radio operators on the course.

Course Map
Frequency Plan
The following simplex and repeater frequencies are planned for the event.
Frequency |
Tone |
Location |
Callsign |
146.640 MHz |
N/A |
Red Mountain, Patagonia |
146.880 MHz |
110.9 |
Mount Lemmon |
146.520 MHz |
N/A |
Simplex |
N/A |
Frequency Plan
The Event
A great way to enjoy Arizona at a mountain bike race.

2005 Race Start