Shown below is the APRS Beacon controller board. The board is a
custom built, 3" x 3" double sided circuit board. The
board contains the processor as well as the power converter, temperature
sensor, flash memory, and GPS Receiver.
Flash Memory 1M x 8 bit (1,048,576 bytes) serial flash memory for Flight Data Recorder.
Port In-circuit programming port for ARM-7
processor. After the USB boot loader is written to the ARM-7, the RS-232 port is available for general purpose use to drive external devices.
ARM-7 Embedded Controller NXP (formerly Philips Semiconductor) LPC2148 ARM-7
core processor. The ARM7TDMI core is a 32-bit embedded RISC processor. Software developed in C++ using no cost, open source GNU tool set.
Trimble GPS Receiver Trimble Lassen iQ GPS Receiver. Lowest power (less than 90mW) commercial receiver. Functional above 60,000'.
Radio Interface Interface to radio with control lines for PTT (Push-To-Transmit) and frequency selection, switched battery voltage, and analog audio input and output.
Power Terminal block for battery input and power switch connection.
MODEM CML Microelectronics full duplex V.22/DTMF MODEM. The MODEM provides standard 1200/2200Hz tones for APRS as well as DTMF decoding for remote commands.
Power COnverter HIgh-effiency switching power supply used to generate 3.3VDC used by GPS Receiver and embedded controller.
USB Port USB port to allow for configuration and download of Flight Data Recorder in the field.
Digital Outputs 3x dry contact (open drain) control outputs. Suitable for camera control or remote functions such as balloon cut down.
External Temperature I2C interface to National LM92 or equavlent temperature sensor.
Analog I/O
Ports 2x analog inputs with ESD/Over Voltage protection. ADC (Analog/Digital Converter) for 0 to 3.3 VDC operation. 1x analog output withs ESD protection. DAC (Digital/Analog Converter) generates 0 to 3.3 VDC control signal.

APRS Beacon board.
Schematic / PCB Layout
For best quality, print the schematic on a single 8½ x 11" sheet of
paper in landscape mode using your favorite graphics application.
Page 1
(Graphic - GIF) |
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(Graphic - GIF) |
Page 3
(Graphic - GIF) |
Top Layer
(Adobe PDF) |
Bottom Layer
(Adobe PDF) |
Parts Layout
(Adobe PDF) |
Additional information on viewing the PCB artwork, PCB tools, and
component libraries is available in the Technology section.
BOM (Bill Of Materials)
Bill of Materials saved as a comma delimited, ASCII text file.
Link |
Description |
Bill Of Materials |