Software Documentation

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Revision as of 01:07, 21 May 2012 by Elijah (talk | contribs)
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Most of the software is documented using specially formatted comments that can be parsed by doxygen. This mostly details what each function does and what kind of parameters to give it. Anything else that isn't detailed there will be put below

GPS File Layout

The following structure is used to write the GPS data into a binary file on the SD card. This allows for easy access by the prediction routines later on. The thought is to have a separate (human-readable) file to log the plain NMEA strings to.

Size (bits) Description
8 Hours, GMT
8 Minutes
8 Seconds
32 Latitude in degrees * 10^7 where + is North and - is South
32 Longitude in degrees * 10^7 where + is East and - is West
32 Altitude above MSL in cm
16 Groundspeed in cm/s
16 Heading CW from north in units of 0.01 degrees
16 Number of tracked Satellites